Clean Technology Program – Apply Now while 2013-2014 Funds are Still Available!
Following this week’s Carbon Tax announcement, we strongly recommend that all companies seeking to reduce their electricity bills apply now for their 50% grant for the supply and installation of electricity generation andA� efficiency reduction measures before the election is called. Applications are still being accepted. It is understood that the 2013-14 grant funds available are still well under-subscribed at this point in time and applications are still being accepted.
To date 299 businesses and companies have received $157,541,213 in grants under both theA� Clean Technology Investment ProgramA� and the Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program. A list of the companies can be seen at here, or you can read more at our site here.
Federal funding allocated for commercial energy efficient capital equipment and low emission technologies.
Over 290 companies have received grants from Clean Technology Food and Foundries Program and Clean Technology Investment FundA� to help reduce energy costs, reduce emissions and improve competitiveness. Energy reduction works include the installation of commercial solar PV systems, wind turbines, energy efficient lighting, pumps, motors, compressors, insulation and steam generators.
The range of industries include vineyards, chicken processors, food manufacturers, plastics companies, ice makers and engineering companies. You can see the full list here.
Reducing Electricity Costs a Financial Investment and Commercial Decision
Water and Energy Savers treats the installation of energy efficiency measures as a commercial undertaking and a financial investment by our client. All energy replacement equipment and efficiency measures installed must be efficient and effective as well as a sensible and sustainable financial investment. They must deliver investment returns just like any other investment. Whether your business is eligible for a Grant or not, the decision must be based on clear and concise engineering and financial data and analysis and financially viable. We provide a tailored engineering solution and proposal addressing the specific requirements of your Board or Investment Committee When installing a commercial solar PV system or energy efficiency measures at your business premises you need to consider:
a�? Electricity generated or energy use reduced
a�? Sustainability of the yield or saving
a�? Capital cost, method of financing and funding options
a�? Investment yield (Internal rate of Return)
a�? Payback period
a�? Net Present Value (NPV) of investment
a�? Depreciation available
a�? Additional benefits
Water and Energy Savers undertakes an energy assessment or audit of your site and provides you and your board with a customised proposal addressing the savings available, the investment required and the financial analysis to enable you to make an investment decision. Since 1992 Water and Energy Savers has provided businesses with both the engineering and financial data to enable clear and informed investment decisions on installing solar PV systems and energy efficiency measures at their commercial properties.
Financial Model 30 kW Commercial Solar PV System
A typical example of the financial inputs and outputs for a 30 kW Solar PV system for a vineyard is presented below. Cost of generating electricity over 25 years is 4c / kWhr, compared to the 26c / kWhr currently being paid. Payback period is 3.09 years, and the rate of return is 32.33%. Lease cost is $927 which is below the monthly power cost.